Author name: senecagates

How To Stop Competing On Price And Finally Charge What You’re Worth (The 6Ps Framework)

A lot of clients I work with wonder how they “can stand out.” They’re sick of competing on price. Nothing annoys them more than people calling just to ask the price and then saying, “Great, I’ll call you back” (They never do of course). I always tell them, “The best way to lose on price […]

How To Stop Competing On Price And Finally Charge What You’re Worth (The 6Ps Framework) Read More »

Three Hassle-Free Ways To Create Stand Out Marketing Content And Rocket Your Business Success

So you’ve finished your website, created a facebook company page, and established a legitimate digital footprint. Congrats! The hard work of hanging your digital shingle is complete. Now it’s time to lay back and wait for the hoards of customers to beat your door down!

Three Hassle-Free Ways To Create Stand Out Marketing Content And Rocket Your Business Success Read More »

Land Better Clients and Improve Your Marketing with Marketing Jiu Jitsu

Have you ever found yourself saying the following? “If only these people understood.” Or, “I have to educate these people, then they’ll buy from me.” If you have, then, well, you’d be wrong (mostly). While you can definitely persuade people to buy certain things, changing a fundamental belief about something is a completely different game.

Land Better Clients and Improve Your Marketing with Marketing Jiu Jitsu Read More »

The Five-Step Secret Formula to Crafting a Powerful Direct Response Sales Letter

  Dear loyal reader, this blog post is going to dramatically improve your copywriting ability–instantly. Say goodbye to writer’s block, forever. I’m about to give you the secret formula, the secret sauce… In fact, you might even be a little angry after reading this. You’ll smack yourself on the forehead head and say, “How come

The Five-Step Secret Formula to Crafting a Powerful Direct Response Sales Letter Read More »

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