Author name: senecagates

A Simple Marketing Framework Based On Free-Market Economic Principles

In the summer of 2016, I started working as an independent marketer for Lyft. During that time, I learned a ton about marketing, human psychology, and business development. I would go out in the swampy D.C. heat and walk right up to strangers. “Hi guys, here’s fifty dollars in free ride credits with Lyft.” For […]

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Six Unique Productivity Hacks To Help You Improve Your Focus

Do you have trouble focusing?  If you’re like most people reading this, then you’re probably nodding your head with a resounding “uh huh.” I feel your pain. I’m the first one to admit it: I’m terribly unproductive at times. Without systems in place, I quickly become host to shiny object syndrome: Facebook, checking news sites for the umpteenth

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How To Tell Your Story Using “The Five Beats” Framework

  On a recent leadership training in Egypt, I led an exercise where I had each student share a story about how they became part of the organization. “I want to know your story,” I told them. With blank stares I proceeded. “Who wants to go first?” The classroom didn’t know who I was, and naturally, they weren’t exactly

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How To Infuse Time Into The Organizational Development Process

I recently visited Egypt and gave a staff training on leadership development. I spent the first two days trying to differentiate between leadership and management. For some odd reason, putting these two words side-by-side creates an immediate good guy/bad guy dichotomy. After a tenuous day and a half of trying to make distinctions between the

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Your Organizational Values Suck. Fix Them With This Tool

At my first job, I remember looking up and seeing the organizational values plastered all over the walls. They had something to do with a metaphorical bus. I think they said, “Get on the teamwork bus!”, or something. The problem, of course, was that we didn’t really work as a team. The organization was engulfed

Your Organizational Values Suck. Fix Them With This Tool Read More »

Book Review: Free Prize Inside By Seth Godin

Want to make something remarkable? Then Free Prize Inside is the book for you. The title, Free Prize Inside, is an allusion to the free prize sitting at the bottom of a kid’s cereal box. Godin says that in order to create your very own “Purple Cow”(remarkable product), you’ll need your own free prize inside. Godin admits

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Steal This Headline! Headline Hacks From The Copywriter’s Handbook

On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar. – David Ogilvy Ever been frustrated trying to come up with an attention-grabbing headline? Yea, me too. Maybe you’re an email marketer who’s struggling

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3 Lessons I Learned From Hubspot’s Content Marketing Certification

  I recently finished Hubspot’s Content Marketing Certification and was blown away by the quality of the course. The instructors are engaging, and I found myself learning way more than I ever could paying thousands of dollars for some digital marketing class somewhere. Content marketing is a vital function of every organization; doing it well requires an intentional,

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