Elementor #3983

Seneca Gates Main Street Marketer

Hi, Welcome To Main Street Marketer.
I'm Seneca.

I Help Main Street Business Owners Take Their Businesses To The Next Level Through The Power Of Entrepreneurial Marketing.

High-Powered Marketing Solutions For Entrepreneurial-Minded Small Business Owners.

Are You A Small Business Owner Looking To Take Things To The Next Level?

Do you dream of building a “business empire?” 

Or creating the next great franchise?

But feel lost when it comes to marketing your business effectively?

if so, It’s completely understandable

You see, unlike large companies with fat stacks of cash to burn on marketing and “branding,” you don’t have the budget to hire some big-name ad agency. And you don’t have a large in-house marketing team either. 

You’re playing by a different set of rules. Rules which require a unique strategy. But what should that strategy be? And who can you trust to carry it through? 

It’s hard to know where to turn… Adding to the confusion is the endless barrage of solicitations you’re receiving from “marketing” companies offering you things like:

  • Facebook Ad Marketing
  • Val-Pak
  • SEO
  • PPC Ads
Small business marketing can be confusing...

Marketing services like these burn a hole in your pocket quick–making them hard to scale. And the results are questionable at best. If you’ve tried these, you know…

In desperation, you might’ve even tried to do all the marketing yourself (who has time for that!?). 

There’s a better way to get your marketing in order and realize your full business potential. 

Industries served - main street marketer

Discover Your Entrepreneurial Marketing Edge And Realize Your Full Business Potential

It’s time to cut through the confusion.

No more uncertainty. No more feeling lost.

And no more being held back by costly, ineffective marketing. 

It’s time to take things to the next level and discover your Entrepreneurial Marketing Edge… 

Your Entrepreneurial Marketing Edge helps you:

  • Get crystal-clear on your marketing message so you can stand out from your competition.
  • Discover what makes you unique so you don’t have to compete on price. 
  • Uncover powerful marketing ideas that take YOU and your business to the next level.
  • Get all your marketing materials under one roof so you feel like you’re finally in control of your business—and much more…

How It Works

1. Discover Your Unique Marketing Message

Discover your unique marketing message so you connect with customers in the way that only YOU can.

2. Market-Gap Analysis

Identify your competitors’ weaknesses and turn them into business-building advantages. Through in-depth competitive research and analysis, you'll uncover ways to compete that don't rely on price.

3. Build Marketing Assets That Scale

After discovering a wellspring of new ideas, we'll turn these ideas into powerful marketing assets that help you realize your full business potential.

Marketing Assets Include:

My Background And Experience

I know how it feels to struggle putting the pieces together. You’re frustrated, busy, and feel like you’re being held back from reaching your true potential.

Now, it would be nice for me to sit here and tell you, “I know all the answers.” But the truth is, I don’t. What I DO know is YOU have more answers than you think… My job is to help you uncover what’s already there.

In fact, as a former classroom facilitator, I used to help my classroom participants do just that. Now, I use that experience to help small business owners like yourself do the same. Here’s a quick snapshot of that experience: 

Seneca Gates                                           Marketing training in Mozambique

  • Former international development facilitator for USAID. Working in developing countries, I helped organizations understand their stories, clarify their value propositions, and develop their leaders.

  • Market-Based Management® Facilitator – This is the business philosophy that built Koch Industries into one of the most successful private companies in the world. While working in Washington D.C., I taught this philosophy to young professionals to help them get better results out of their work. 

  • Experience working with Washington, D.C. nonprofits and think tanks –  I’ve played a variety of nonprofit roles including: fundraiser, program manager, membership salesperson, and my most important role of all –research nerd …

What People Are Saying

Working with Seneca has helped my business tremendously! My website content has never been so professionally done and put

together. After the initial phone consultation, he went to town! Seneca put all the words I had in mind in way that only he knows how. My website and marketing brochures are the most professional looking ones vs. my competition. I would definitely recommend Seneca to every entrepreneur looking to improve their online content

- Rico S.
Home Inspection business owner
Our graphic design and website company has been working with Seneca for over a year now. He has worked with us on numerous website that needed copywriting, and many print jobs such as brochures, flyers, and catalogs. His writing skills are very impressive and our clients are extremely happy. It's very hard to find team members who are not only incredibly talented, trustworthy, easy to work with, but also have good communication skills. Seneca is one of them.
- Priscilla R.
Design Agency Owner

Scale Your Business Today

Step 1. Book A Discovery Call

Click on the red button that says "Book a discovery call." Once we jump on a call together, we'll figure out bold solutions to your most pressing marketing challenges. You'll leave the call with several business growing ideas you can run with right away.

Step 2. Plan and Proposal

If we're a good fit to work together, I'll send you a plan of action to help you grow your business. I will also send you a proposal for pricing that best fits your current needs and goals.

Step 3. Build and Measure

Once you agree to the proposal, it's time to build. We'll measure everything as we got to make sure you're headed in the right direction.

Realize Your Full Business Potential

Main Street Marketer’s mission is simple: to empower small business owners with powerful marketing solutions that help them to realize their full potential. 

Realizing that potential starts with understanding the WHY behind what you’re doing. It means having a solid marketing blueprint in place along with powerful marketing assets that go DIRECTLY to your target customers. And that’s where a lot of small business owners like yourself struggle…

And honestly, it’s not hard to understand why… I mean, you’re being bombarded with solicitations for things like SEO, PPC, Facebook ads, etc. It’s hard to know where to even start. Worst of all—these things don’t scale well. This is especially true for small businesses…

You see, unlike larger businesses with big budgets and in-house marketing teams, you don’t have endless resources to waste on paid ads or other marketing tactics. You’re playing by a different set of rules. Rules which require a different strategy altogether.

At Main Street Marketer, we’ll help you build that strategy, along with a series of proven business building assets that scale. Best of all, you’ll feel confident knowing you’re on the right path to realizing your full potential as a business owner.  

How does it work? It all starts by discovering your “Entrepreneurial Marketing Edge.” The Entrepreneurial Marketing Edge is a 3-step process that looks at you, your competition, and the untapped opportunities in the marketplace. This process give you a competitive edge in your industry along with  powerful marketing foundation–one you can build off for years to come. 

Don’t let another day go by feeling overwhelmed by your marketing. Get on the path to realizing your full business potential by booking a discovery call below. 

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