Book Reviews

Your Organizational Values Suck. Fix Them With This Tool

At my first job, I remember looking up and seeing the organizational values plastered all over the walls. They had something to do with a metaphorical bus. I think they said, “Get on the teamwork bus!”, or something. The problem, of course, was that we didn’t really work as a team. The organization was engulfed

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Book Review: Free Prize Inside By Seth Godin

Want to make something remarkable? Then Free Prize Inside is the book for you. The title, Free Prize Inside, is an allusion to the free prize sitting at the bottom of a kid’s cereal box. Godin says that in order to create your very own “Purple Cow”(remarkable product), you’ll need your own free prize inside. Godin admits

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Don’t Think You’re a Writer? Think Again. Everybody Writes (Book Review)

Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content by Ann Handley, is a real treat. At well over two-hundred pages, I really thought this book was going to be a slow, painful read. Instead, I was surprised to find a quick go-to reference guide to creating outstanding content. This book is comprehensive; it covers

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Gonzo Marketing : Winning Through Worst Practices (Book Review)

Gonzo Marketing has to be the coolest marketing book I’ve read in a long time. Christopher Locke is a fantastic writer, and you get the sense that, at some level, he really doesn’t care what you think. This is what makes his writing so great. It’s visceral, you know it’s the real deal when you

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Whoever Tells The Best Story Wins

  Want to influence and persuade more people to your cause? Consider utilizing the power of storytelling. In Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins, author Annette Simmons says that to tell a story, is to unleash the power of humanity. We like to think that we live in a firmly objective, rational world, where decision making based

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How To Sell The Invisible: Selling the Invisible Book Review

  If you are a marketer, there’s a good chance that you might have problems reaching your customers. You might tell your boss something like, “we just need a bigger budget and more advertising space.” But what if the real problem isn’t the lack of money, or some outside factor, but rather something defeating you from the inside? What

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