Why Me

Hi, I’m Seneca.

Seneca Gates
Main Street Marketer, at your service…

I Help Local Businesses Stand Out, Scale-Up, and Outsell The Competition.

Are you a local business owner trying to take things to the next level?

But feel constrained by your lack of marketing?

I feel your pain.

Building and marketing your business is hard work (and time-consuming).

And unfortunately, responsibility for all that marketing stuff usually falls on you—the business owner.

Without a solid marketing foundation in place, you:

  • Struggle to scale and grow your business
  • Lose business to the competition
  • Spend countless hours trying to figure out the marketing stuff (When you should be working on other areas of your business).

On top of that, you’re getting bombarded by marketers trying to sell digital marketing services, PPC ads, SEO, Facebook ads, and god knows what else…

Make. It. Stop.

It’s confusing. And FRUSTRATING.

But it doesn’t have to be.

With the right foundation in place, you can market your business without all the stress and confusion.

Imagine having a marketing system in place that lets you:

  • FINALLY take your business to the next level.
  • Free up your time so you can focus on the parts of your business that YOU choose.
  • Stand out from the competition—way out.
  • Charge what you’re worth instead of having to “compete” on price.
  • Feel in control of your marketing once and for all.

It’s possible. And it all starts by discovering what I call, “Your Creative Edge.”

Marketing Without The Stress And Confusion

“Your Creative Edge” means going where others won’t, and doing the work that others can’t. It’s made up of three parts:

  1. Understanding the change you’re trying to create in the world.
  2. Constructing a value skew in your market
  3. Communicating that value skew at the “edges.”

What’s this all mean? And why’s it different?

Simple: It means you’ll discover how to create authentic messages that resonate and grow your audience. And even better–you’ll access a wellspring of creative ideas that have gone untapped–until now.

I want to help you figure this all out. And if we’re a good fit for each other, I’ll guide you along each of these steps.

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Here are some of the things you’ll discover when we work together:

Your unique story blueprint. Stand out from the competition and connect customers with your brand. You’ll discover relationship-building assets that scale your business.

How to capitalize on your competitor’s weaknesses – I’ll help you identify your competitors’ weaknesses and turn them into business-building advantages. Say goodbye to competing on price–forever.

How to generate unique revenue-generating ideas. You’ll learn innovative approaches to marketing that keep your business growing year after year.

Ok, Sounds Interesting… But What’s Your Story and Why Should I Trust You?

Great question.

Here’s the highlight reel:

Seneca Gates
Helping a co-op in Mozambique find their creative edge.
  • Trained in Market-Based Management® – This is the business philosophy that built Koch Industries into one of the most successful private companies in the world.

  • Former international development facilitator for USAID. Working in developing countries, I helped organizations understand their stories, clarify their value propositions, and develop their leaders.

  • Experience working with Washington, D.C. nonprofits and think tanks – While in D.C., I taught business students how to solve problems and identify opportunities within their organizations. And oh, occasionally I would nerd-out for hours doing research and leading book discussions around political philosophy.

What Others Have to Say:

“Our graphic design and website company, Green Pea Design, has been working with Seneca for over a year now.  He has worked with us on numerous websites that needed copywriting, and many print jobs such as brochures, flyers, and catalogs. We trust Seneca to work directly with our clients and get nothing but positive feedback about his process. His writing skills are very impressive and our clients are extremely happy. It’s very hard to find team members who are not only incredibly talented, trustworthy, easy to work with, but also have good communication skills. Seneca is one of them. We feel fortunate as a company to have crossed paths with him and will have a long term business relationship with him.” 

– Priscilla R.

“Seneca was instrumental in helping me to streamline our business and increase our revenue. Seneca demonstrated that he was both an adept marketer and an exceptional business manager.”

– Diane G.

 “I highly recommend Seneca for writing and marketing strategy for non-profits and for-profit organizations looking to get higher response rates from direct mail, e-mail and sales funnel campaigns.”

Caitlin T.

What’s Included (The Specifics)

After figuring out what makes your business tick, we’ll begin to BUILD.

The assets we’ll build together include (depending on the package you purchase) include:

  • Branded assets that help you stand out in the minds of your customers
  • Copywriting for your website that explains EXACTLY who you are and why it matters
  • Premium blog posts (with original research) that help you build an audience and become a trusted advisor in the eyes of your customers

  • And much more…

Go To the Process and Pricing Page For more.

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